Main Features
I wrote TALAggregator because there were a few features that I was looking for that were not present in existing RSS Aggregators. That and RSS aggregators are fairly easy to write. Here's the main features I was looking for:
- Template driven web output. I wanted to be able to integrate the output from the RSS aggregator into any web page.
- Multi-user. I wanted each user to be able to have as many templates as they wanted, and for the aggregator to share feeds across users to reduce load and bandwidth usage.
- Last-Modified support. By using Last-Modified work load is reduced all round - a must have.
Other Features
Once I started writing my aggregator I found that there were several other features that were desirable, so I added them in:
- HTML Handling. I wanted the templates to be able to include either the text as delivered by the RSS feed (potentially including HTML), or to remove the markup and keep the text.
- Bad RSS. Not all RSS is good, and so I added support to try and parse bad RSS.
- Mozilla side bar. Keeping the latest articles in the Mozilla sidebar is a great way to keep up-to-date, and was trivial to implement with my template system.
- Updated articles. I found that there were several feeds whose <item> elements were updated after first publication. This meant they would appear several times in the new articles list - so I developed a finger printing technique for determining whether an item was a new one or an updated one.
Other Notes
A few other things that aren't really features, more implementation notes.
- Performance. Aggregation performance depends almost entirely on network speed. Retrieval, parsing, updating, and inserting new articles from a local feed happens in ~0.1 seconds.
- Times all converted to GMT and stored as GMT. I'll add support for users to specify a GMT time-offset so that all articles can appear dated either GMT or localtime.
- Unicode support. All data is convereted to Unicode before storage, unfortunately MySQL doesn't yet support Unicode, so it then gets converted to the character set of the database.
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