Colin's Journal

Colin's Journal: A place for thoughts about politics, software, and daily life.

May 19th, 2003

Notes from a long weekend

Victoria day is upon us! An extra day of weekend is greatly appreciated, here’s some notes on how it’s been spent and how it will be spent:

  • Went to Anime North the local Anime convention. Pretty enjoyable overall, and I was particularly impressed by the Artists Alley.
  • After brunch yesterday we picked up a saw and some plants. We now have some wood of suitable size for burning in our chiminea, and hopefully we’ll get some greenery on our deck soon.
  • Re-jigged my backup scripts to utilise another spare partition. I’ll probably release these scripts once I know for sure that they work.
  • Discovered that Virgin Radio is available via a 128Kbit MP3 stream. I’m not a huge fan of Virgin, but the more commercial radio stations that make their broadcasts available over MP3 (or ogg!) the better. For some reason their shoutcast listing rates them as “Adult Pop Rock”.
  • My weblog validates once again. I hadn’t realised that you needed to have paragraphs inside blockquotes.
  • Skating this afternoon if all goes to plan!
  • Fireworks tonight?

The call for a referendum on the UK’s ratification of the EU Constitution seems to be gathering steam. I suspect that it won’t happen, simply because the Constitution is mostly a (long overdue) paper work exercise. There are some changes to the demarcation of powers between states and EU level, but with the potential exception of a president for the European Council there’s not that much change from the status quo.

Given this it’s hard to see what a referendum question would be on. If the question was on the adoption or rejection of the constitution, what would happen with a rejection? If there was a particular part of the proposed constitution (and note that it’s not even finished yet!) that was controversial for the British public then a rejection could lead to re-negotiation, but at the moment I can’t see which particular aspect could be singled out like that.

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Copyright 2015 Colin Stewart

Email: colin at